Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Kindly refer para-1 of below mentioned Directorate Order the recognition granted to service association is valid till 21.09.2015. Kindly refer item No. 2 in the said letter on page 2 which pertains to CHQ Unions only. Further re-verification forms bearing the signature of Director (SR & Legal) for fresh re-verification has not been circulated by the Directorate yet. Hence if any Divisional Head/HRO/SRO or any other authority is asking for submission of re-verification forms of all members they may be pleased be informed of above mentioned two issues. Further it has been informed by the CHQ unions that fresh authorisation forms of Re-verification of Membership under CCS (RSA) Rules-1993 will be circulated by the SR Section of the Directorate in the month of May-2015 and till that period old forms as per Dte. Order No. 13/01/2010-SR dated 18.02.2010 can be used for enro;lment of non members or members of other unions as usual exercise to be carried out in the month of April every year.    


Directorate called PJCA  to discuss Charter of Demands
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(SR Division)
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi, dated 24th April, 2015

Subject:-       Meeting with PJCA (comprising of NFPE & FNPO)  under the Chairpersonship of Secretary(Posts).

         It has been decided to convene a meeting with the representatives of Postal Joint Council of Action (PJCA) to discuss their Charter of Demands.  The meeting will be held on Thursday, the 30thApril, 2015 at 1100 hrs. in the G.P. Roy Committee Room under the chairpersonship of Secretary (Posts). 
         Kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting. The meeting will be followed by lunch.

(Arun Malik)
Director (SR & Legal)

Official Side:-
(i)    All Members of Postal Services Board
(ii)  CGm (PLI) / JS & FA
(iii) DDG (P) / DDG (Estt) / DDG (SR & Legal) / DDG (MB) / DDG (Trg.) / DDG (PAF / DDG (Estates & MM) / DDG (Technology) / DDG (FS).

Copy to:-
(i)            OSD to Secretary (Posts)
(ii)           Sr. PPS to Secretary (Posts)

Staff Side:-
(i)            Shri R.N. Parashar, Secretary General, NFPE
(ii)           Shri D. Theagarajan, Secretary General, FNPO

Friday, April 17, 2015

Court stays recruitment processes

The Aurangabad bench of the Bombay high court (HC) has stayed the recruitment process being conducted by the postal department. During the entrance examination conducted at 26 centres across the state on March 29, some visually impaired students in Osmanabad were denied entry on the grounds that they were accompanied by writers/scribe having qualification above std X. Thereafter, five visually impaired students had approached the court.
In January this year, the postal department had invited online applications from eligible candidates for direct recruitment for the posts of postman/mail guard in postal/RMS divisions.
The department's notification clearly provided specific reservation for visually impaired candidates. Accordingly, the eligible visually impaired candidates applied by January 24 and were provided online admit cards soon.
Lawyer Swapnil Tawshikar, who filed a writ petition in the HC on behalf of the aggrieved party, told TOI, "In the list of instructions mentioned on the admit cards, visually impaired candidates were allowed to take assistance of scribe/writers for the said examination. However, 25 such candidates, who reached the exam centre in Osmanabad, were not allowed to appear for the examination on the ground that the writers brought by them had education qualification above matriculation."
Vishal Lohare (24), a native of from Latur district, along with four students decided to represent the 25 candidates who were not allowed to appear for the examination. All the five candidates approached the Aurangabad bench of the Bombay HC and filed a writ petition through lawyers Tawshikar and Anant Devakate. Tawshikar said the HC bench comprising justices SS Shinde and PR Bora heard the matter on April 10. The lawyers told the court the guidelines issued by the central government make it clear that visually impaired people can take assistance of writers while appearing for any written examination. The guidelines further mention that there shall be no restrictions on education qualifications, marks and age of the writer.
Source:-The Times of India


Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & Information Technology

The Department of Posts has denied some media reports that its Money Order service has been discontinued. The Money Order service continues to be available to the common man at the same service charge with the same facility of the money being delivered at the door step of the addressee. The Department in a clarification further said that this service had been made more reliable and fast by communicating information about the money to be transferred electronically between the booking and delivery post office. Thus, the money reaches faster to the addressee. The nature of service remains the same and it is also being called an electronic Money Order or eMO. Department of Posts also has another service offering instant online Money transfer service called as Instant Money Order (iMO), where the receiver can receive payment in cash through Post Offices.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Monday, April 13, 2015

Re verification of union members on 30/04/2015

In regard to verification process new form will be supplied by the Directorate in the   month of May 2015 . New form will be posted in our website as and when received from the Directorate. In that new form, we have to obtain signatures of  all members this is for your information.

Secondly if any member from other union or non member wishes to join our union then  please submit his declarations duly verified as usual pratice on or before  30/04/2015.

Use this form for new members.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015