Thursday, March 12, 2015

NPS subscribers can modify contact details online directly in CRA system – Updation to be intimated through new and old Email and SMS

PFRDA has made an additional provision to enter the contact details viz., email id/ Mobile Number of the subscribers directly by the subscriber in NSDL portal in order to get the communication from the PFRDA without any delay.
Subscribers will receive the email and SMS to both the old mobile number/email id as well as the new mobile number/email id entered by the subscriber now through this online facility.
PFRDA/2015/11/POP/01 Date:  26″‘ February,  2015
All Points  of Presence  (PoPs)
Subject:  Facility   for  Modification/ Updation   of Contact   details  directly by NPS subscribers in CRA System
It has  been  observed  that  a subscriber   is not always  able to  furnish/  update  his  latest  email  id & mobile number  on the CRA system. As a result, several communications   and information   meant for the subscribers do  not  reach   them..   In  order  to  obviate   such  obstruction   in  smooth  and seamless   flow  of  information, additional  features  have  been Introduced  in the CRA system.  All the Points of Presence  (PoPs)  are hereby informed  that an additional   feature for ‘Modification/Updation of contact  details  (Email  address  and Mobile number)   has  now  been  enabled  for  the  subscribers in CRA  system.  This  is  in addition   to  the  existing process  of updation  of contact  details through  submission  of Annexure  UOS-S2/CS.S2   at the  PoPs.
The  e-mail  address  and  mobile  numbers  that are registered  in the CRA system  are used for sending alerts for  PRAN  generation,  dispatch/ delivery  of  PRAN  kits,  credit  to PRAN  and generation   of OTP  (One Time Passwords)   based  I-PIN   etc.  PFRDA  also   sends  various  other  communications   to the  subscriber  through this  mode.
The  system  now  provides  that the  subscribers   can modify/update  their contact  details  directly using  the login  credentials  of CRA system  (email address  & mobile number).  An e-mail as well as SMS will be sent to the updated  as well as existing  mobile/email   address  of the subscriber   with an intimation  of the changes  in contact  details.  The steps to be followed  by the subscribers  for changing  the contact  details are provided  in Annexure.
All  the   Points  of  Presence   (PoPs)   are  advised   to  disseminate   the  Information   among   the concerned subscribers   so that they may update  the correct  contact  details.
In  case,  any  further  clarification   is  required   In this  regard.   you  may  contact   Mr.  Saurabh   Das at  022-24994277 (E-mail ID or Mr. Sagar Parab at 022-24994778 (E-mail ID –
Ashish Kumar

General Manager

Encl:  a/a
The NPS Subscribers can now login the CRA system and update their Contact details by going through the following steps:
a.   The Subscriber has to login to the CRA system ( with his/her User ID and IPIN.
b.   On successful login,  under Update Details menu the subscriber  is required to click on Update Contact Details.
c.   The subscriber is required to click on ‘Edit’ for modifying his/her contact details.
d.  The existing details If  available  in  CRA system will  be pre-populated. The subscriber will be required to enter new mobile number and e-mail address and click on Submit.
e.  Subscriber  can also update his /her mobile number and e-mail address in  case same was not provided earlier.
f.    The subscriber is  required lo Confirm  the changes in the next screen. An Acknowledgement number will be displayed on the screen.
g.   The subscriber shall take note of Acknowledgement number for the changes in contact details.
h.  On successful update,  the following message will  be shown to the subscriber.  ‘Details  have been updated successfully. Please view changes through Subscriber  Details View’.
i.    SMS as well as an e-mail will be sent to the updated as well as existing  mobile/email ID or the subscriber intimating him/her that the details have undergone a change.

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