Monday, August 10, 2015


No.  AMSD/NFPE/R-III/DEC MEETING/2015                                                             10.08.2015

The Sr. Superintendent of RMS
Airmail Sorting Division

Sub:  Special CL for Divisional Executive Committee Meeting, regarding….

Ref: Your office letter No. D-2/Union/NFPE –III/DEC/01-MAY/2015 dated 30.04.2015 and 06.08.2015.

Respected Sir,
With reference to your above cited letter it is intimated that your office letter dated 30.04.2015 was delivered to this union on 01.05.2015 during the course of DEC meeting by the HRO, AMSD Staff. Since the DEC Meeting has already commenced as per the notice of this union dated 17.04.2015 the question of adjusting weekly off in consultation with HRO, AMSD, Mumbai does not arise. Further your office letter dated stipulates to hold future DEC Meeting on holidays and outside office hours and not the meeting dated 01.05.2015 notice of which was well served in time on 17.04.2015. Hence denial of grant of Special CL for the said DEC Meeting would not be a healthy state of affairs. This union therefore requests to regularize the DEC Meeting period dated 01.05.2015 by grant of special CL.

       Secondly this union would like to intimate that none of the offices except APSO Foreign has fixed holidays in AMSD, Mumbai-400099. Further the office hours of all the offices in AMSD, Mumbai are different and are functioning in different Sets. Hence it may kindly be clarified as to how DEC meeting should be arranged on holidays which are not fixed in AMSD and after office hours which are also not fixed as Post offices (i.e. from 09.30 to 05.30) in AMSD and how it will be regulated. This Union has also enquired with its counter parts in other Division and found that Special CL is being granted to them for attending DEC meetings. Moreover, the Dte. Lr No. 54-13/71-SPB-II dated 31.07.2014 reference of which is quoted by your office in above cited letter does not prohibit grant of Special CL for attending DEC meetings and only stipulates an understanding being reached in Departmental JCM that as far as possible to hold DEC Meetings on holidays and after office hours which is not practicable in AMSD, Mumbai due to the reasons quoted above.   

Therefore considering the nature of functioning of different units under AMSD and union office bearers working in it, this union would once again request you to maintain the true spirit of trade union facility by granting special CL to the union office bearers to attend the DEC meetings to avoid unnecessary hardships to arrangement of office staff. This union also once again assures that it will as far as possible arrange the DEC meeting on lean day i.e. Monday so as to enable the office to maintain the staff strength.  

                                      Yours faithfully
P D Ranit
Divisional Secretary
AI RMS & MMS E. U. Gr-C,
AMSD, Mumbai-400099

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