Monday, October 19, 2015

Divisional Union writes in c/w the adamant attitude of Superintendent (M&TM), AMSD, Mumbai-400099.

No.  AMSD/R-III/DIVISIONAL PROBLEMS/2015                                   18.10.2015


The Sr. Superintendent of RMS
Airmail Sorting Division

Sub:   Day to day problems generating in APTMO (Inward) due to adamant attitude of Superintendent (M&TM), AMSD, Mumbai-400099.

Respected Sir,

          It has been brought into the notice of this union that the Superintendent (M&TM), AMSD, Mumbai-400099 is not paying attention to the genuine day to day problems reported by the staff which are generating hardships in smooth functioning of APTMO (Inward) equally jeopardising the mails received from various airlines. He is also not listening to irregularities committed by different airlines put forth by the staff for prompt solution. In addition to this he is frequently changing the duty arrangement of the staff as per his convenience and has thus created a wide spread unrest among the staff. Due to such adamant attitude of Superintendent (M&TM) unwillingness is being generated among the staff to work in APTMO (Inward).    

          Sir, the staff is being feeling deserted due to the attitude of Superintendent (M&TM) and the spirit of team work is diminishing day by day which will hamper the smooth functioning of APTMO (Inward). Almost all the staff has same grievance against the Superintendent (M&TM). Hence it is requested to kindly direct the Superintendent (M&TM), AMSD, Mumbai-400099 to maintain a cordial atmosphere in his unit with the staff by ensuing the team work spirit for the betterment of services provided by Airmail Sorting Division, Mumbai-400099.

                                                                   Yours faithfully


P D Ranit
Divisional Secretary


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