Minutes of the meeting held on 12.10.2015 at 16.00 hrs. between the SSRM, Air Mail Sorting Division and Union representatives of NFPE R-III, AMSD, Mumbai-400099.
The following were present :
Administration Side :-
Shri. M. S. Badwe, SSRM
Union Side : -
Shri. P. D. Ranit, Off. Divisional Sec.
Shri. V. T. Sadye
Shri. J. P. Indulkar
Following items were discussed.
Supply of minutes of meeting in soft copy as well as hard copy.
Brief: The Divisional Union is digitalizing the union documents for its proper preservation and for paper less correspondence with its branches. Hence it is requested to kindly arrange to deliver the soft copy of minutes of the meeting through email also along with hard copy of the same.
Reply : This is being done since 10.09.2015. (Item Closed)
Supply of justified manpower in APSO (Fgn) Branch to deal with the UAE Mails received through postal network.
Brief: There has been increase in the day to day traffic of mails from UAE Countries. Due to shortage of manpower in APSO (Fgn) the work is managed by ordering the staff OT or diverting the staff from administrative offices of APSO (Fgn). Few of the staff of APSO (Fgn) who were knowing hands have been diverted temporarily to BNPL SP Hub Agripada. It is requested to repatriate them to APSO (Fgn) for smooth functioning of the branch.
Reply : This will be decided after finalization of review report of APSO (Fgn) branch by C. O.
Grant of Weekly off & CCL to the staff members.
Brief: Your office has instructed to HRO, AMSD, Mumbai-400099 for clearance of pending weekly off of staff which has been accumulated from past several months. But it is learnt that the HRO, AMSD, Mumbai is not in a position to clear the same as each and every branch is facing shortage of manpower and the respective Superintendents/ASPs are insisting for booking of full manpower in the set. In addition to this few of the Gr-C staff has been booked for mail monitoring activities which is again creating shortage of manpower. In such a situation the HRO, AMSD, Mumbai is reluctant to release the weekly off of the staff. Hence it is requested to kindly direct the respective Superintendent/ASPs to at least permit HRO, AMSD, Mumbai to short book two officials from each set as leave reserve for clearance of pending weekly off so as to clear the weekly offs. The work of short booked officials can be managed by engaging College Students/Coolies.
Further instructions may be issued to grant CCL to the women employees of AMSD, Mumbai at least one at a time.
Reply : HRO, AMSD has been directed to grant pending w/offs and the same are being granted on regular basis. Leave sanctioning authority may decide the CCL cases considering service exigencies. (Action : All Supdt / Manager, AMSD / HRO, AMSD)
Supply of additional Computer for SP TMO (Outward) for preparation of DBs, Work papers, etc.
Reply : Hardware provided for SP TMO (Outward) is sufficient for workload and there is no need of additional computer. (Item closed)
Shifting of Outward TMO from VIP Entrance to the older location due to insufficient space & non availability of loading & unloading platform at the existing location causing hardships for loading & unloading of mails in vehicles especially heighted RTV MMS Vehicles.
Reply : Shifting of Outward TMO from existing place will not be done. However issues if any at that location can be addressed in due course. (Item closed)
Cleaning of toilets and wash rooms in Set 2 & Set/3 at NSH, Mumbai.
Reply : This is being done on regular basis. All controlling officers have been asked to arrange to increase frequency of cleaning of toilets under their control. (Item closed).
Supply of water Pen, Napkins & Bottles to all the staff of AMSD, Mumbai.
Reply : This is not possible due to financial crunch. (Item closed)
Imparting of Skill Development and Stress Management training to all the staff of AMSD, Mumbai as imparted under your control in Central Sorting Division.
Reply : This has been commenced in AMSD and will continue to be imparted to all employees of AMSD in periodical manner. (Item closed)
Arrangement of Awareness Campaign about KPI and role of Staff Performance in increasing the KPI of NSH, Mumbai and involvement of staff in the said process for betterment of our services.
Reply : This will be arranged shortly. (Action : QMC / KPI Br., DO, AMSD)
Next meeting will be held on 03.11.2015 at 16.00 hrs. Agenda if any for the meeting may please be submitted to this office on or before 23.10.2015 .
M. S. Badwe
Sr. Superintendent. Of RMS
Air Mail stg. Division
Mumbai – 400099.
No. : D-2/NFPE-III/Minutes-Oct-12/2015 Date : 14.10.2015
Copy to :
Shri P. D. Ranit, Dvnl. Secretary, NFPE R-III Union, AMSD, Mumbai-400099.
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