Minutes of the meeting held on 28.08.2014 at 09.30 hrs. between the SSRM, Air Mail Sorting Division and Union representatives of NFPE R-III, AMSD, Mumbai-400099.
following were present:
Administration Side :-
Shri. R. K. Rakate, SSRM
Side : -
V. S. Singh, Divisional President
U. M. Mhaskar, Divisional
Y. M. Gadhave, Br. Secretary, Mumbai APSO - Inland
R. A. Kamble, Br. Secretary, NSH (SPCC), Mumbai-400099.
Following items were
discussed :
D.O/HRO & Allied Units
Stop diversion
of DO/HRO Staff to mail offices and credit of compensatory offs to their
account for the number of days they have worked in mail offices as per the
administrative orders.
Union brief:
The DO/HRO Staff is being justified as per the work load of the units and they
need to attend the work load which remains pending due to their diversion to
mail offices. They need to complete the pending work load by putting extra
efforts and are delivering good productivity which have enabled smooth
functioning of DO/HRO of AMSD till date. Taking into account their pendency of
work due to diversion to mail offices and to motivate them for putting extra
efforts for clearing pendency it is requested to kindly direct the HRO, AMSD to
credit Compensatory offs to their account for the number of days they have been
deployed to mail offices as per the administrative orders. This union further
demands to stop the existing policy of diversion of DO/HRO Staff to mail
offices and direct the respective Superintendents to work out a firm strategy
for effective functioning of mail offices within their existing mail office
Reply :
Staff of DO / HRO is being deputed to mail offices to clear the public sensitive
mail whenever there is heavy pendency of mail. This procedure is being followed
since years together. Union is aware that there is 68 vacancies in SA cadre and
to cope up with shortage of staff it is necessary to deploy DO / HRO staff to
dispose off deposit public mail to avoid public complaints and to give better
service to them.
receipt of mail is erratic and seasonal. However the college students also
engaged to do the work of SA cadre. Generally maximum DO / HRO staff is being utilized at SPCC (
handles time bound sensitive mail) for specialized sorting of speed post
articles which college students could not be clear qualitatively to avoid
missending. The Union demand of crediting compensatory off regularly against
the period worked in mail office may not be considered.
when DO / HRO staff is being utilized for 8 hours continuously on Sunday /
holiday compensatory off is being given.
Uniform tenure
& deputation policy for all units of AMSD, Mumbai-400099 ensuing the spirit
of rotational transfer policy guidelines circulated by Postal Directorate.
Union brief:
There are many officials in AMSD, Mumbai who are deployed on deputation basis
for years together. The officials who are on tenure are regulated by the tenure
posting guidelines but the officials who are deployed on deputation in
DO/HRO/Superintendent offices & allied sections/SPCC Enquiry Section,
etc are not regulated by any guidelines
and hence should be brought under the purview of rotational transfer guidelines
to enable uniformity between tenure and deputation in AMSD. This union
therefore demands call of fresh willingness from officials of AMSD for filling
up all such deputations and reversion of all officials to mail offices who have
completed the tenure of deputation of 4 years.
Tenure transfers are being implemented
in April/May of each year.
There is no individual complaint is received against tenure transfer.
is requested to ask individual sufferer to apply if they feels injustice.
Restoration of
Night Duty (i.e. Set/3) Mail Clerk of APSO (FGN) Branch:-
Union Brief:
After discontinuance of APSO (FGN) Night Duty Mail Clerk the handling of
sensitive Foreign Mail has increased which needs to be first unloaded on A-Zone
Platform from the respective MMS Trips as the same has been now attached to
A-Zone and stacked over there for the whole night and then handed over to the
Set/1 Mail Clerk of APSO (FGN). This procedure has unnecessary led to
duplication of work like loading and unloading, segregation; preparation of
ML’s/ work papers, etc. Further the Set/1 Mail Clerk finds lot of inconvenience
to handle the entire work load of receipt of bags which are about approx. more
than 800 bags. The Mail Agency Branch of APSO (FGN) is an important branch as
the entire units of APSO (FGN) depends upon its receipt. Any delay at the Mail
Agency point due to congestion of mail will lead to loss of manpower deployed
in the allied units of APSO (FGN). This union therefore demands restoration of
Night Duty i.e. Set/3 Mail Clerk of APSO (FGN) Branch.
Reply : There
is no such report from APSO (Fgn)/Set-1 mail clerk or A-zone. It is not proper
to function Mail Agency branch for foreign bags separately only to receive.
When A-zon mail agency branch functions adjacent there. The set-2 is functioning up to 22.30 hrs and
mails received after 22.00 hrs is collected at ‘A’ zone Set-3. Average bags
received at ‘A’ zone / Set-3 for APSO Foreign are about 200 to 250 bags. Out of
these bags, 100 to 150 bags are only ‘L’ bags received for various offices
including BPC and MBC. As such there is no justification to restore night set
at present.
Shifting of
Scanning Machines of CED Branch meant for release of Fgn articles near the
Assistant Commissioner of Customs office in APSO Building to avoid the mixing
of Fgn mails with other articles and unnecessary trespassing of other office.
Reply :
The shifting of detained / inventorised CED articles are made to other accommodation to get more free space, to handle mail by RMS
staff and to avoid mixing of foreign mails.
custom authority is not ready to shift scanning machine. The scanning machine
is purchased and installed by Customs. Considering the scanning of EMS items
(Import / Export), the location is identified by the Customs and it is
suitable. Hence there is no need to shift it somewhere. The orders are issued
to send other than detained mail to SPCC to include in their bag to avoid
multiple closing of bags and streamline the handling of SPAs.
Mumbai Branch
Solving of
Speed Net Software Problem generated due to implementation of NSS Hubs System
leading to non receipt of virtual receipt of bags at outward TMO Point of SPCC.
Reply : Whenever
there is software problem in speed net, same is reported immediately to CEPT,
Mysore on war footing. System Administrators are instructed accordingly.
Provision of
proper tube lights, halogen lamps, Ceiling Fans and Tarpaulins (for bags) at
outward TMO.
Reply : Whenever
there is such problem same will be solved immediately.
Cleaning of
Water Cooler installed at SPCC, Mumbai-400099.
Reply : HRO
has cleaned the water cooler and same
will be ensured periodically. (tem
Repairing of
broken Stg. Cases at SPCC and painting of the Stg. Cases.
Reply : No
such report is received. However work will be attended.
order of Sorting Diagram and affixing of destination labels in the same manner
on the sorting cases for enabling speedy sorting of mails.
Reply :
The work will be undertaken as per Directorate’s order on Level-I and level-II
stg on MNOP pattern. However suitable changes are made.
Cut-off time
for opening of mails in particular set to enable sorting and disposal of mails
within the set itself.
Reply : The
cut off time is already fixed in each set for opening. Whenever receipt of mail
is heavy opening is required to be done beyond cut off time to feed SPAs to SAs
at the beginning of the set.
Shifting of
Speed Post Parcels in the third hall of SPCC for creating space in the main
hall of SPCC for movement of bags and trolleys/pallets.
Reply : Under
consideration after reduction of BNPL mail considerably.
Engaging a
responsible MTS in each Set for repairing of damaged Speed Post
articles/parcels to avoid loss cases.
Reply : Yes,
agreed to and will be implemented within available manpower.
(Inland) Branch
of Mail Clerk of APSO (Inland) for avoiding accommodation & other problems
at A-Zone. In this connection kindly refer this union letter No. NFPE/AMSD/R-III/A-ZONE/CORR/2014 dated
Reply : It is not proper to function 2 mail agencies on the same
platform. Also no touches on MMS schedules are provided to APSO (Inland). The
workload to mail agency branch is not sufficient to justify 1 SA + 1 MTS in
each set and also to avoid duplication of work.
Fresh counting
of unregistered articles received for sorting in trays in APSO (Inland).
Reply :
Supdt., APSO (Inland) will be asked to count unregistered articles for stg. in
trays in presence of senior responsible staff.
Providing of
face to face articles for sorting at APSO (Inland).
Reply :
The H.S.A. is directed to provide faced mail for sorting..
Complete water
proofing of mezzanine terrace of APSO building through local contractor for
avoiding leakage at AMPC, Mumbai-400099.
Union brief: The
new Manager, AMPC has engaged his Gr-D attendant and the cleaning staff for
applying white cement to the cracks in the mezzanine terrace of APSO Building
which has led to arrest of leakage in AMPC to a considerable extent. This union
therefore demands that the same procedure may be adopted for the entire
mezzanine terrace by engaging the necessary labour locally for water proofing
of entire mezzanine terrace of APSO building to avoid leakage of rain water on
AMPC Sorting Machines.
Reply :
The work is major and need to be assigned to AE (Civil). Wherever there is a minor
problem, same will be attended by Manager, AMPC.
Prompt Supply
of various order copies to the Divisional Union pertaining to the common
interest of employees of AMSD, Mumbai-400099 as per Directorate guidelines.
This union request to issue necessary instructions to all OAs in D.O., AMSD,
Mumbai-400099 since many of the OAs are not endorsing the important order
copies received from Directorate or C.O. to the Divisional Union.
Reply :
The ASP (HQ) and staff is instructed to circulate such orders.
Clearance of
all due MACP Promotions of staff of AMSD, Mumbai.
Reply : Under
active consideration.
Revoke of
irregular Dies-non’s issued to the staff of AMSD, Mumbai in various units.
Reply :
Representations received will be finalized after receipt of comments on there
by concerned Leave Scrutiny Authority. (Action
: All Supdt / Managers, AMSD & HRO,
Next meeting will be held on 26.09.2014 at 11.00 hrs. Agenda, if any
should be submitted to this office on or before 16.09.2014 in soft copy also i.
e. in e-mail / pendrive. E-mail ID is ssrmamsdmum@gmail.com.
( R.
K. Rakate )
Sr. Superintendent of
Mail Sorting Division,
Mumbai 400 099.
No :
D-2/Union/NFPE-III/Minutes-Meet-Aug-28/2014 Dated : 02.09.2014
Copy to:-
- Shri U. M. Mhaskar, Divisional Secretary, NFPE-R-III, Air Mail Sorting Division, Mumbai 400099.
- All concerned Supdt. / Manager, AMSD, Mumbai-400099.
- HRO, AMSD, Mumbai-400099
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